Overview of the TutorAid
TutorAid is a desktop application that designed to help the teaching assistants in NUS. It is a combination of the Calendar, the Earning Tracker, the Notepad, as well as the Student Profile Manager.
Those features of TutorAid was selected specifically for the target user - tutors, based on their exact needs.
The user interacts with TutorAid using a Command Line Interface (CLI), with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) created with JavaFX for user to better view the interactions.
My role in this project was to design and write the codes for the task-commands in Calendar feature as well as the undo and redo features. The sections below explain those enhancements in detail.
Summary of contributions
Major enhancement: added the ability to undo/redo previous commands
What it does: allows the user to undo all previous commands one at a time. Preceding undo commands can be reversed by using the redo command.
Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because a user can make mistakes in commands and the app should provide a convenient way to rectify them.
Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and commands to be added in future. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to existing commands.
Credits: The implementation of the undo and redo commands were inspired by Address Book 4, however more challenging in this project due to the complexity.
Major enhancement: added the task management commands (Part of Calendar Feature)
What it does: allows the user to
tasks. -
Justification: This feature is one of the most important features in the TutorAid since it aimed to help tutors and this feature is really useful for tutors.
Minor enhancement: added a sorting method in TaskTime so that in each task, their task times would be sorted automatically.
Justification: This enhancement is added to show each task clearer. Also, users do not need to worry that they key in the task time in wrong order anymore.
Code contributed: [All Commits][Code Contribution]
Other contributions:
Project management:
Enhancements to existing features:
Added detailed implementation documentation for undo/redo feature and most part of the calendar feature in User Guide, including diagrams. (Pull requests #220, #341)
Added detailed implementation documentation with diagrams for undo/redo feature and add task command, class diagrams of Storage and Model, as well as user stories and use cases in Developer Guide. (Pull requests #118, #161, #220, #311)
Set up Coveralls for the test coverage of the project.
Contributions to the User Guide
Given below are some sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users. Because of the limitation of number of pages, some contributions like the detailed implementation of task commands and undo/redo commands are not shown below. |
Adding task: add_task
Adds a task to one or more time slots.
Format: add_task c/MODULE mark/STATUS tt/TASK_TIME…
A task can have more than one time slots. STATUS should only be Y or N. TASK_TIME should be in the format "dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm, dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm".If there are multiple task times, they will be automatically sorted based on their starting time. Mark indicates whether a Reminder will be created for this task. The Reminder created will have the Task’s MODULE as its DESCRIPTION and the Task’s TASK_TIME as its DATE .
add_task c/CS2103T mark/Y tt/13/09/2019 13:00, 20/09/2019 16:00 tt/21/09/2019 13:00, 21/09/2019 15:00
add_task c/MA1521 Tutorial mark/N tt/02/11/2020 14:00, 02/11/2020 15:00
Command Summary
Help :
Log :
login user/USERNAME pass/PASSWORD
register user/USERNAME pass/PASSWORD
Tab :
change_tab tab/TAB_DESTINATION
add_task c/MODULE mark/STATUS tt/TASK_TIME…
edit_task INDEX [mark/STATUS] [tt/TASK_TIME]
delete_task 1
find_task_by_module MODULE …
find_task_by_date DATE
Reminder :
delete_reminder 1
find_reminder_by_description DESCRIPTION …
find_reminder_by_date DATE …
Earnings :
add_earnings d/DATE c/CLASSID amt/AMOUNT
update_earnings d/DATE c/CLASSID amt/AMOUNT type/TYPE
delete_earnings d/DATE c/CLASSID
find_earnings k/KEYWORD …
claim_earnings d/DATE c/CLASSID
filter_earnings VARIABLE
Note :
deletenote INDEX
findnote KEYWORD
Student List :
delete INDEX
find NAME
set_pic INDEX pic/FILENAME
assign_class INDEXES c/CLASSID
list_class CLASSID
mark_attendance INDEXES
mark_participation INDEXES
Undo :
Redo :
Clear :
Exit :
Contributions to the Developer Guide
Given below are some sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project. Because of the limitation of number of pages, some contributions like the explanation of the add_task command, the considerations for undo/redo command, the manual testing instructions of some task and undo/redo commands, as well as some of the use cases are not shown below. |
Undo/Redo feature
The undo/redo mechanism is facilitated by VersionedTutorAid
It extends TutorAid
with an undo/redo history, stored internally as an tutorAidStateList
and currentStatePointer
Additionally, it implements the following operations:
— Saves the current tutor aid state in its history. -
— Restores the previous tutor aid state from its history. -
— Restores a previously undone tutor aid state from its history.
These operations are exposed in the Model
interface as Model#commitTutorAid()
, Model#undoTutorAid()
and Model#redoTutorAid()
Given below is an example usage scenario and how the undo/redo mechanism behaves at each step.
Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time. The VersionedTutorAid
will be initialized with the initial tutor aid state, and the currentStatePointer
pointing to that single tutor aid state.
Step 2. The user executes delete 5
command to delete the 5th person in the tutor aid. The delete
command calls Model#commitTutorAid()
, causing the modified state of the tutor aid after the delete 5
command executes to be saved in the tutorAidStateList
, and the currentStatePointer
is shifted to the newly inserted tutor aid state.
Step 3. The user executes add_task c/CS2103T …
to add a new task. The add_task
command also calls Model#commitTutorAid()
, causing another modified tutor aid state to be saved into the tutorAidStateList
If a command fails its execution, it will not call Model#commitTutorAid() , so the tutor aid state will not be saved into the tutorAidStateList .
Step 4. The user now decides that adding the task was a mistake, and decides to undo that action by executing the undo
command. The undo
command will call Model#undoTutorAid()
, which will shift the currentStatePointer
once to the left, pointing it to the previous tutor aid state, and restores the tutor aid to that state.
If the currentStatePointer is at index 0, pointing to the initial tutor aid state, then there are no previous tutor aid states to restore. The undo command uses Model#canUndoTutorAid() to check if this is the case. If so, it will return an error to the user rather than attempting to perform the undo.
The following sequence diagram shows how the undo operation works:
The lifeline for UndoCommand should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.
The redo
command does the opposite — it calls Model#redoTutorAid()
, which shifts the currentStatePointer
once to the right, pointing to the previously undone state, and restores the tutor aid to that state.
If the currentStatePointer is at index tutorAidStateList.size() - 1 , pointing to the latest tutor aid state, then there are no undone tutor aid states to restore. The redo command uses Model#canRedoTutorAid() to check if this is the case. If so, it will return an error to the user rather than attempting to perform the redo.
Step 5. The user then decides to execute the command list
. Commands that do not modify the tutor aid, such as list
, will usually not call Model#commitTutorAid()
, Model#undoTutorAid()
or Model#redoTutorAid()
. Thus, the tutorAidStateList
remains unchanged.
Step 6. The user executes clear
, which calls Model#commitTutorAid()
. Since the currentStatePointer
is not pointing at the end of the tutorAidStateList
, all tutor aid states after the currentStatePointer
will be purged. We designed it this way because it no longer makes sense to redo the add_task c/CS2103T …
command. This is the behavior that most modern desktop applications follow.
Design Considerations
Aspect: How undo & redo executes
Alternative 1 (current choice): Saves the entire tutor aid.
Pros: Easy to implement.
Cons: May have performance issues in terms of memory usage.
Alternative 2: Individual command knows how to undo/redo by itself.
Pros: Will use less memory (e.g. for
, just save the person being deleted). -
Cons: We must ensure that the implementation of each individual command are correct.
Tab Change feature
Tab Change feature is a type of Command that allows users to change to respective windows for using different features in the system. Tab change function is implemented in using both CLI and GUI. User can execute tab change by typing command in the command box or by interaction with the GUI component (Menu Bar)
User will execute change_tab
command with the parameters of tab/TAB
. Using this, TutorAid will display the list and the view that the user wishes to see, effectively changing tabs.
We are using java.util.logging
package for logging. The LogsCenter
class is used to manage the logging levels and logging destinations.
The logging level can be controlled using the
setting in the configuration file (See Configuration) -
for a class can be obtained usingLogsCenter.getLogger(Class)
which will log messages according to the specified logging level -
Currently log messages are output through:
and to a.log
Logging Levels
: Critical problem detected which may possibly cause the termination of the application -
: Can continue, but with caution -
: Information showing the noteworthy actions by the App -
: Details that is not usually noteworthy but may be useful in debugging e.g. print the actual list instead of just its size
Certain properties of the application can be controlled (e.g user prefs file location, logging level) through the configuration file (default: config.json
Refer to the guide here.
Appendix A: Product Scope
Target user profile:
has a need to manage classes and related tasks
has a need to track earnings
prefer desktop apps over other types
can type fast
prefers typing over mouse input
is reasonably comfortable using CLI apps
Value proposition: manage students, tasks, notes, earnings and reminders faster than a typical mouse/GUI driven app. Helps to improve workflow by organizing all teaching-related information in one common place and hence saves time.
Appendix B: User Stories
Priorities: High (must have) - * * *
, Medium (nice to have) - * *
, Low (unlikely to have) - *
Priority | As a … | I want to … | So that I can… |
new user |
see usage instructions |
refer to instructions when I forget how to use the App |
tutor |
track all the information about my students |
remember key info about them easily when I need it |
tutor |
add a new class |
check the details of the task when I want |
tutor |
edit an existing task |
update task information when I need |
tutor |
add my earnings |
check my earnings when I want to |
tutor |
check my existing classes |
attend the classes in time |
tutor |
check the information of my classes |
know more about my students' situation |
tutor |
see who’s not coming for class |
check up on them |
user |
know what’s the command format |
key in the correct command |
forgetful tutor user |
be reminded before my tutorials |
go for the tutorials on time |
caring tutor user |
check the upcoming events |
remind my students |
{More to be added}
Appendix C: Use Cases
(For all use cases below, the System is the TutorAid
and the Actor is the user
, unless specified otherwise)
Use case: Delete task
User requests to list tasks
TutorAid shows a list of tasks
User requests to delete a specific task in the list
TutorAid deletes the person
Use case ends.
2a. The list is empty.
2a1. TutorAid tells user that there is no task.
Use case ends.
3a. The given index is invalid.
3a1. TutorAid shows an error message.
Use case resumes at step 2.
Use case: Delete Reminder
User requests to list reminders
TutorAid shows a list of reminders
User requests to delete a specific reminder in the list
TutorAid deletes the reminder
Use case ends.
2a. The list is empty.
2a1. TutorAid tells user that there are no reminders.
Use case ends.
3a. The given index is invalid.
3a1. TutorAid shows an error message.
Use case resumes at step 2.
Use case: Add Earnings
User adds an earnings by specifying its details
TutorAid shows a success message
Use case ends.
1a. The arguments provided are invalid.
1a1. TutorAid shows an error message.
Use case ends.
1b. The mandatory arguments are not provided.
1b1. TutorAid shows an error message.
Use case ends.
Use case: Delete Earnings
User requests to change tab to earnings
TutorAid shows a list of earnings
User requests to delete a specific earnings in the list
TutorAid deletes the earnings
Use case ends.
2a. The list is empty.
Use case ends
3a. The given index is invalid.
3a1. TutorAid shows an error message.
Use case resumes at step 2.
Use case: Find Earnings
User requests to find earnings with specified keyword(s)
TutorAid shows a success message
Use case ends.
1a. The mandatory arguments are not provided.
1a1. TutorAid shows an error message.
Use case ends.
2a. The arguments provided have no match.
2a1. TutorAid shows an empty list.
Use case ends.
Use case: Claim Earnings
User requests to claim earnings with specified arguments
TutorAid shows a success message
Use case ends.
1a. The mandatory arguments are not provided.
1a1. TutorAid shows an error message.
Use case ends.
1b. The arguments provided are invalid.
1b1. TutorAid shows an error message.
Use case ends.
Use case: Automate Earnings
User requests to change tab to earnings
TutorAid shows a list of earnings
User requests to automate a specific earnings in the list
TutorAid add the earnings into a list.
Use case ends.
2a. The list is empty.
Use case ends
3a. The mandatory arguments are not provided.
3a1. TutorAid shows an error message.
Use case ends.
3b. The arguments provided are invalid.
3b1. TutorAid shows an error message.
Use case ends.
3c. The given index is invalid.
3c1. TutorAid shows an error message.
Use case resumes at step 2.
Use case: Add Automated Earnings
User requests to add automated earnings
TutorAid shows a success message
Use case ends.
1a. No new earnings are added.
1a1. TutorAid shows an error message.
Use case ends
{More to be added}
Appendix D: Non Functional Requirements
Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java
or above installed. -
Should be able to hold up to 1000 tasks without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
Appendix F: Instructions for Manual Testing
Given below are instructions to test the app manually.
These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing. |
Initial launch
Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder
Double-click the jar file
Expected: Shows the GUI with a set of sample contacts. The window size may not be optimum.
Saving window preferences
Resize the window to an optimum size. Move the window to a different location. Close the window.
Re-launch the app by double-clicking the jar file.
Expected: The most recent window size and location is retained.
Registering an account
Registering an account
Test case:
register user/bryan pass/Pa55w0rd
Expected: Success message shown in status bar. -
Test case:
register user/abc pass/hello
Expected: No account created. Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same. -
Other incorrect register commands to try:
,register bryan Pa55w0rd
Expected: Similar to previous.
Logging In
Logging into TutorAid with personal account
Test case:
login user/bryan pass/Pa55w0rd
Expected: Login Window closes and Main Window pops up. -
Test case:
login user/wad efsf pass/hello
Expected: Not logged in. Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same. -
Other incorrect login commands to try:
,login bryan Pa55w0rd
Expected: Similar to previous.
Deleting a person
Deleting a person while all persons are listed
Prerequisites: List all persons using the
command. Multiple persons in the list. -
Test case:
delete 1
Expected: First person is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted person shown in the status message. -
Test case:
delete 0
Expected: No person is deleted. Error details shown in the status message. -
Other incorrect delete commands to try:
,delete x
(where x is larger than the list size),delete Tom
Expected: Similar to previous.
Adding an earning
Adding earnings to TutorAid
Prerequisites: Arguments are valid and mandatory parameters are provided.
Test case:
add_earnings d/11/10/2014 type/lab c/CS1101S amt/90.30
Expected: Adds an earnings of $90.30 of a CS1101S Lab lesson to TutorAid on 11/10/2014 -
Test case:
add_earnings d/10/03/2019 type/tut
Expected: No earnings is added Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same. -
Other incorrect add earnings commands to try:
,add_earnings d/today type/c
andadd_earnings 2
Expected: Similar to previous.
Deleting an earning
Deleting earnings while all earnings are listed
Prerequisites: List all earnings either using tab button on application or
change_tab tab/earnings
command. Multiple earnings in the list. -
Test case:
delete_earnings 1
Expected: First earnings is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted earnings shown in the status message. -
Test case:
delete_earnings 0
Expected: No earnings is deleted. Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same. -
Other incorrect delete earnings command to try:
,delete_earnings x
(where x is larger than the list size).
Expected: Similar to previous.
Finding an earning
Finding earnings
Test case:
find_earnings CS
Expected: All earnings that contains "CS" (regardless case of the letters) will show in TutorAid. Partial match of "CS" will be shown as well. Number of earnings found were stated in the status message. -
Test case:
Expected: No earnings will be shown. Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same.
Claiming an earning
Change the Claim status of an earning
Prerequisites: List all earnings either using tab button on application or
change_tab tab/earnings
command. Multiple earnings in the list. -
Test case:
claim_earnings 1 claim/processing
Expected: First earnings will change claim status toprocessing
. -
Test case:
claim_earnings 1
Expected: No change in claim status of the first earnings. Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same. -
Other incorrect claim earnings command to try:
claim_earnings 1 claim/done
Expected: Similar to previous.
Automating earnings
Automate the addition of earnings
Prerequisites: List all earnings either using tab button on application or
change_tab tab/earnings
command. Multiple earnings in the list. -
Test case:
weekly_earnings 1 count/2
Expected: Success message shows up. No change in earnings list. First earnings will be automatically added in the next 2 weeks on the same day of the week, after invoking theauto
command. -
Test case:
weekly_earnings 0 count/4
Expected: No earnings will be automatically added. Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same. -
Other incorrect weekly earnings command to try:
,weekly_earnings 3 count/15
,weekly_earnings x count/8
(where x is larger than the list size).
Expected: Similar to previous.
Adding automated earnings
Adds automated earnings to list.
Prerequisites: There must have been a few pre-existing earnings that were invoked by the
command. -
Test case:
Expected: Depending on the number of earnings that were invoked byweekly_earnings
command and the day of the week, earnings will be automatically added to the list. -
Test case:
auto 5
Expected: No earnings are added. Error details shown in the status message. Status bar remains the same.
Adding a task
Add a task and list all tasks out with the added task.
Test case:
add_task c/CS2103T mark/Y tt/13/09/2019 13:00, 13/09/2019 16:00
Expected: A marked task with Class Id "CS2103T" and Task Time "13/09/2019 13:00 to 16:00" was added to the task list. Details of the added task shown in the status message. Task list shown in Main window.
Reminder with Description "CS2103T" and Time "13/09/2019 13:00, 20/09/2019 16:00" will be created as well.
A Task will be shown on that date in the Calendar view as well. -
Test case:
Expected: No task is added. Error details and correct format shown in the status message. -
Other incorrect command format to try:
add_task task
,add_task c/ mark/ tt/
Editing a task
Edit a task and list all tasks out with the edited task.
Test case:
edit_task 1 c/CS2103
Expected: The first task in the task list’s Class Id changed to CS2103. Details of the edited task shown in the status message. Task list shown in Main window. -
Test case:
edit_task c/cs2103
Expected: No task is changed. Error details and correct format shown in the status message. -
Other incorrect command format to try:
edit_task 1 c/
Reminder: Make sure the index of the task is not larger than the total number of tasks in task list.
Deleting a task
Delete a task and list all tasks out without the deleted task.
Test case:
delete_task 1
Expected: The first task in the task list was deleted. Details of the deleted task shown in the status message. Task list shown in Main window. -
Test case:
Expected: No task is deleted. Error details and correct format shown in the status message. -
Other incorrect command format to try:
delete_task 0
delete_task 1 c/
Reminder: Make sure the index of the task is not larger than the total number of tasks in task list.
Reminder: If you add a marked task then delete it, remember to delete it in Reminder also so that you can add another marked task with same Class Id.
Finding a task
Find tasks by their Class Id or its Task Time.
Test case:
find_task_by_module cs2100
Expected: All tasks that Class Id contains "cs2100" (regardless case of the letters) were shown in the MainWindow. Number of tasks found were stated in the status message. -
Test case:
find_task_by_date 20/10/2019
Expected: All tasks that Task Time contains "20/10/2019" were shown in the MainWindow. Number of tasks found were stated in the status message. -
Test case:
Expected: Error details and correct format shown in the status message. -
Other incorrect command format to try:
,find_task_by_date 13/10/2019 15/10/2019
Reminder: Tasks can be found by multiple numbers of Class Ids but only one Date.
Listing all tasks
List out all tasks.
Test case:
Expected: All tasks were listed in Main Window. -
Test case:
list tasks
Expected: Error details shown in the status message.
Undoing/Redoing commands
Undo or redo previous commands.
Test case:
delete_task 1
Expected: The previously deleted task reappeared in the list. -
Test case:
delete_task 1
Expected: The recovered task was deleted again from the list.
Adding a reminder
Add a reminder and list all reminders out with the added reminder.
Test case:
add_reminder rd/CS2103T rt/13/09/2019 13:00, 20/09/2019 16:00
Expected: A Reminder with Class Id "CS2103T" and Task Time "13/09/2019 13:00, 20/09/2019 16:00" was added to the reminder list. Details of the added reminder shown in the status message. Reminder list shown in Main window. -
Test case:
Expected: No reminder is added. Error details and correct format shown in the status message. -
Other incorrect command format to try:
add_reminder reminder
,add_reminder rd/error rt/20/9/2019 13:00, 21/9/2019 15:00
Reminder: Reminders with duplicate
cannot be created.
Deleting a reminder
Delete a reminder and list all reminders out without the deleted reminder.
Test case:
delete_reminder 1
Expected: The first reminder in the reminder list was deleted. Details of the deleted reminder shown in the status message. Reminder list shown in Main window. -
Test case:
Expected: No reminder is deleted. Error details and correct format shown in the status message. -
Other incorrect command format to try:
delete_reminder 0
delete_reminder 1 rd/
Reminder: Make sure the index of the reminder is not larger than the total number of reminder in reminder list.
Finding a reminder
Find reminders by their Description or its Reminder Time.
Test case:
find_reminder_by_description cs2100
Expected: All reminders that description contains "cs2100" (regardless case of the letters) were shown in the MainWindow. Number of reminders found were stated in the status message. -
Test case:
find_reminder_by_date 20/10/2019
Expected: All reminders that Reminder Time contains "20/10/2019" were shown in the MainWindow. Number of reminder found were stated in the status message. -
Test case:
Expected: Error details and correct format shown in the status message. -
Other incorrect command format to try:
,find_reminder_by_date 13/10/2019 15/10/2019
Reminder: Reminder can be found by multiple numbers of Description but only one Date.
Listing all reminders
List out all reminders.
Test case:
Expected: All reminders were listed in Main Window. -
Test case:
list reminders
Expected: Error details shown in the status message.
Tab Change
Change Tab.
Test case:
change_tab tab/earnings
Expected: All earnings were listed in Main Window. -
Test case:
changetab tasks
Expected: Error details shown in the status message.
Listing by class
List out all students in the class.
Test case:
list_class CS2030
Expected: All students in class CS2030 are shown. -
Test case:
list_class CS2030 CS2040
Expected: All students in class CS2030 and CS2040 are shown. -
Test case:
list_class RANDOM STRING
Expected: No students are shown.
Mass Assigning Class
Assigns the class to all students indicated.
Test case:
assign_class 1,2,3 c/CS2030
Expected: Students at index 1,2 and 3 are assigned to class CS2030. (assuming the list size is at least 3) -
Test case:
assign_class 1,2,3 c/CS2030
Expected: Nobody is assigned to class CS2030. (assuming the list size is less than 3) -
Test case:
assign_class 1,2,100 c/CS2030
Expected: Nobody is assigned to class CS2030. (assuming the list size is 5)
Mass Marking Attendance
Increases the attendance of indicated students by one.
Test case:
mark_attendance 1,2,3
Expected: Students at index 1,2 and 3 have their attendance increased (assuming the list size is at least 3) -
Test case:
mark_attendance 1,2,3
Expected: Nobody has their attendance increased (assuming the list size is less than 3) -
Test case:
mark_attendance 1,2,100
Expected: Nobody has their attendance increased (assuming the list size is 5)
Mass Marking Participation
Increases the participation of indicated students by one.
Test case:
mark_participation 1,2,3
Expected: Students at index 1,2 and 3 have their participation increased (assuming the list size is at least 3) -
Test case:
mark_participation 1,2,3
Expected: Nobody has their participation increased (assuming the list size is less than 3) -
Test case:
mark_participation 1,2,100
Expected: Nobody has their participation increased (assuming the list size is 5)
Setting picture
Sets the profile picture of the indicated student
Test case:
set_pic 1 pic/test.jpg
Expected: Student at index 1 is given test.jpg as his profile picture. (assuming test.jpg is in the same directory as TutorAid) -
Test case:
set_pic 1 pic/test.docx
Expected: Error occurs. Only .jpg/.png/.gif/.bmp is supported. -
Test case:
set_pic 1 pic/test.jpg
Expected: Error occurs. TutorAid can’t find the picture. (assuming test.jpg is not in the same directory as TutorAid) -
Test case:
set_pic 100 pic/test.jpg
Expected: Error occurs. Index is invalid. (assuming a list size of 10 and test.jpg is in the same directory as TutorAid)
Unknown wrong command
Learns a wrong command the user typed in as a basic command.
Test case:
Expected: TutorAid prompts the user for the command word they intended to execute. (assuming gibberish is not yet learned) -
Test case:
ad n/Caesar c/CS1000
Expected: TutorAid prompts the user for the command word they intended to execute. (assuming ad is not yet learned)-
Test case:
Expected: The unknown command is discarded and normal operations can resume. -
Test case:
Expected: TutorAid prompts the user for the command word they intended to execute. (assuming gibberish is not yet learned) -
Test case:
add n/Caesar c/CS2100
Expected: TutorAid can’t learn full commands. Prompts the user which command word they want to map the last unknown command to again. -
Test case:
Expected: TutorAid learns the last unknown command asadd
Delete Custom Command
Deletes a wrong custom command previously learnt.
Test case:
Expected: The custom command is deleted. -
Test case:
Expected: Error. Invalid command, TutorAid can’t find such a command to delete. -
Test case:
deleteCustomCommand BASICCOMMAND
Expected: Error. You can’t delete a basic built-in command.== User Stories
Priorities: High (must have) - * * *
, Medium (nice to have) - * *
, Low (unlikely to have) - *
Priority | As a … | I want to … | So that I can… |
new user |
see usage instructions |
refer to instructions when I forget how to use the App |
tutor |
track all the information about my students |
remember key info about them easily when I need it |
tutor |
add a new class |
check the details of the task when I want |
tutor |
edit an existing task |
update task information when I need |
tutor |
add my earnings |
check my earnings when I want to |
tutor |
check my existing classes |
attend the classes in time |
tutor |
check the information of my classes |
know more about my students' situation |
tutor |
see who’s not coming for class |
check up on them |
user |
know what’s the command format |
key in the correct command |
forgetful tutor user |
be reminded before my tutorials |
go for the tutorials on time |
caring tutor user |
check the upcoming events |
remind my students |
Adding a task
Add a task and list all tasks out with the added task.
Test case:
add_task c/CS2103T mark/Y tt/13/09/2019 13:00, 13/09/2019 16:00
Expected: A marked task with Class Id "CS2103T" and Task Time "13/09/2019 13:00 to 16:00" was added to the task list. Details of the added task shown in the status message. Task list shown in Main window.
Reminder with Description "CS2103T" and Time "13/09/2019 13:00, 20/09/2019 16:00" will be created as well.
A Task will be shown on that date in the Calendar view as well. -
Test case:
Expected: No task is added. Error details and correct format shown in the status message. -
Other incorrect command format to try:
add_task task
,add_task c/ mark/ tt/
Editing a task
Edit a task and list all tasks out with the edited task.
Test case:
edit_task 1 c/CS2103
Expected: The first task in the task list’s Class Id changed to CS2103. Details of the edited task shown in the status message. Task list shown in Main window. -
Test case:
edit_task c/cs2103
Expected: No task is changed. Error details and correct format shown in the status message. -
Other incorrect command format to try:
edit_task 1 c/
Reminder: Make sure the index of the task is not larger than the total number of tasks in task list.